#124 • Amplified Jimi

"Amplified Jimi"
Emotional Expression Portrait

This is a demo on painting with palette knife for
the group Knife-painter at deviantart.

Step 1: sketch [start 8.20pm]
Quick sketch of Jimi based on a black & white photo,
10" x 10" canvas panel,
while sketching, try to think of colors to use,
it could be just one color, black or brown or ...
or ever 2 or more colors.
For this painting, I'll be using
Cadmium Red + Ivory Black + Chrome Yellow + white

Step 2: Background [8.35 pm]
Start by fill up the background with yellow + white
this is the only palette knife used for this painting,
the knife blade length is about 50mm.

Step 3: Darker midtones [8.45 pm]
Which is Cadmium Red

Step 4: Lighter midtones [9.00 pm]
I'll fill up the rest of the white space with
Chrome Yellow as the lighter midtones

Step 5: Shadow [9.15 pm]
This would be the darker areas or the shadow,
basically all the area in the canvas was covered with paint.

Step 6: Highlight [9.40 pm]
Adding white to areas which are the light source from

Step 7:
Fine tuned & finished!
[End 10.10 pm]
Step back and see which portion you need to fine tuned,
applied some free strokes here & there.
Here you're, the finished painting with palette knife,
total time spent: 1 hour & 50 mins

10" x 10"
oil painting
palette knife
canvas panel
USD$220 + 10 shipping & handling